
About Delhi, Ontario

Delhi is located about 45 minutes south of Hamilton and about 20 minutes from the shores of Lake Erie. The community has a diverse demographic with many cultures and heritages. Annual events include the Strawberry Festival, the Le Tour de Norfolk which is a summer cycling event, and the Harvest festival which includes an antique car show and midway.

Norfolk County is Ontario’s Garden county.

Our Service Promise

  • Ultimate Service Guarantee®
  • Calls are answered by the REALTOR® On Duty, not an answering service, even on holidays
  • Easy-to-find office located on a high-visibility corner of Delhi
  • Small town hospitality and genuine appreciation for your business

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The Norfolk County area has about 250 single family properties for sale at any given time. This link will allow you to search the real estate boards of Simcoe, Tillsonburg, London and many more. Whether you’re looking for a condo, a house, or something else, you’re sure to find it here with our easy-to-use wide area search feature.

Rent or Buy?

Conventional wisdom suggests it’s a no-brainer – buying real estate is a worthwhile investment with a high return. Despite record low interest rates,  the sky high prices and carrying costs [...]

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