from this arrangement:

  1. Students: Garage suites can cater to students looking for a conducive environment for studying and cooking. Proximity to public transit, educational institutions, and amenities is an added advantage.
  2. Young Professionals: New professionals can enjoy a secure, comfortable space to commence their careers while saving for their own homes. Modern amenities and utilities cater to their preferences.
  3. Travellers: Globe-trotters can find a flexible, convenient abode to reside while exploring various locations. Garage suites offer a separate entrance, parking, and outdoor area.
  4. Empty Nesters: Empty nesters may opt for downsizing into a smaller living space that reduces expenses. Garage suites provide more sunlight, airflow, and windows than a traditional basement suite, offering a cozy and practical living environment.

Adding a second story to your garage and transforming it into a bachelor suite represents a promising opportunity to enhance your home’s value and functionality. It offers an extra income source, increased living space, augmented property value, and greater privacy. However, it’s crucial to recognize the costs associated with this renovation and explore the available financing options in Canada to make an informed decision that aligns with your financial capacity and objectives.

Contact us with your questions about building or converting a garage to add living space.